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TS Alberto threat fizzles, providing time to get ready for 2012 hurricane season

The good news is that Tropical Storm Alberto, the first named tropical system of 2012, is a fish. That's weather watcher slang for a storm that heads out to sea to dissipate instead of making landfall.

TS Alberto out to sea 052112 (2)

The better news is that everyone who might be affected by future tropical storms and hurricanes this year now has time to get a plan in place.

When Alberto popped up on Saturday, I posted some tips on physical and financial planning for the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season.

Disaster knows no boundaries: But even if you live smack dab in the center of the United States, it's a good idea to be ready to deal with a disaster's aftermath.

Mother Nature is pretty good about spreading out her anger, and these tips work just as well for folks dealing with the aftermath of a tornado, earthquake, flooding or, later in the year, severe winter storms.

Here in Texas when wildfires roared across much of the state last summer, such prep kits were called Go Bags, as in get the heck out of harm's way on a moment's notice.

So first, thank the weather gods for sending Alberto harmlessly northeast into the Atlantic Ocean.

And then get to work getting your disaster preparedness kit in place.

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Dan, all the 'cane geeks on Storm2K forums (yes, I still read them) just call them fish. But you know how casual message boards are! Just wait. We'll get another Hermine through here again that will flood the Austin and Central Texas area like crazy so you're not entirely clear of tropical systems yet.

Dan Ray

Hey, Kay. I always heard the phrase as "fish storm," not just "fish."
Oh, well, not my problem anymore. :)

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