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Last week at my other tax blog: Homebuyer refunds still on hold; Offshore tax 'trickery' under fire

Tax breaks. We all want them. But sometimes things don't quite work out as planned. That tax discconect was a recurring theme in my posts last week at my other tax blog.

Bankrate Taxes Blog icon Some taxpayers who this year started paying back the original first-time homebuyer credit -- that's the $7,500 one for the 2008 tax year -- have found the tax break has turned into even more trouble.

They've been waiting, some for months, for refunds

The IRS is having difficulty processing this tax provision. And the reasons for such problems and subsequent refund delays are not satisfying affected filers. They've banded together to share their sad tax tales on a special Facebook page.

Another group of filers who take advantage of offshore tax accounts are coming under renewed fire.

Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) has introduced the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act, which he says will stem "offshore trickery" by closing offshore tax loopholes and strengthening offshore tax enforcement.

Levin has been trying for years to get his colleagues to act on offshore tax havens. This might be the year he succeeds. Congress is scratching for every possibly dollar and Levine estimates that the measures he proposes will bring $100 billion to the U.S. Treasury each year.

Catch up on the details over at my Bankrate Taxes Blog. And if you miss any posts at my other tax blog, you can find a wrap-up on them here each Saturday.

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