Tax moves to make in July 2011
Summer jobs, and taxes, for teens

10 midyear tax moves to make

Earlier today I was fretting about being slow to remind folks about the July tax moves they should make. But now it appears that my delayed focus was meant to be.

Why? Because today also is the day that I suggest 10 midyear tax moves to make now over at

Yeah, there's some duplication. Despite constant Congressional tinkering with the tax code, there are a lot of tax considerations that are perennials, such as adjusting withholding, fine-tuning your estimated tax payments, contributing to your favorite charity and putting away some money for retirement.

But just because they're the same old tax moves you made last year at this time, that doesn't mean you shouldn't be considering them again right now.

Tax planning is a lot like owning a car. We tend to take it for granted. Sometimes it really ticks us off.

But mainly autos and taxes are a lot alike because you don't reinvent the tax wheel when you need new rubber on the vehicle that will get you safely through tax filing. You simply put a new tire on the jalopy and keep going!

So check out these midyear tax moves and see which ones will make your 2011 tax drive much more comfortable.

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