Order your tax transcripts online
Tax software giveaway, take two

Tax pro time

You didn't file your return in January because you knew you weren't getting a refund or you just didn't care. There was way too much going on in your life as 2011 got underway.

Man seeking tax help_iStock_000002861804XSmall Now, however, you've decided to look at all that tax material stacked up on your desk. And a quick glance made you realize that this year you want professional tax filing help.

If you are in the market for a tax pro, you better get on the stick. Since more of us are using tax preparers, most of them fill up their calendars quickly.

You also need to make sure you're picking the tax pro that best meets your tax needs. You have lots of tax professional choices.

Once you decide which type of tax preparer you need, then you need to thoroughly check out the individual you plan to hire.

OK. Finally time to head to your tax pro's office. Once there, you'll want to be a good tax client. You'll achieve that status if you follow The Wandering Tax Pro's recommendations on what to give your tax preparer.

The lighter side of tax pros: How we deal with our money and our taxes offers valuable insight into just who we are. That's why no one (aside from personal finance bloggers) talks much about their specific money situation.

But you have to be upfront with your tax professional. And that baring of your tax soul could lead to some embarrassing revelations or assumptions about you.

Financially Poor has come up with eight funny things your tax preparer thinks about you.

OK, some of these tax preparer assumptions will apply to a lot of us. Otherswell, to each his or her own. And remember what they say about assuming.

Regardless, don't let the possibility of appearing to be a cheapskate or having some, shall we say, unconventional spending habits stop you from getting help filing your taxes. Like a priest or therapist, a good tax pro isn't going to broadcast your tax and money peccadilloes.

And even if your tax pro privately raises an eyebrow about your fiscal tendencies, that's still preferable to having an IRS auditor ask questions about a not-up-to-snuff tax return you filed on your own.

Photo © Stephen Uber / Uberphotos / iStock

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