Gulf Coast oil spill tax relief measure
What world leaders are paid

Happy July 4th, America!


Happy Independence Day!

There are three things every American should do today:

Celebrate! This is our birthday. Enjoy it with friends, family and neighbors. And please do so safely.

Give thanks to those who had this grand idea 234 years ago and to all who have and continue to safeguard us.

Remember not only why we declared our independence, but the responsibilities of each of us to live up to the vision of a new country that our founding fathers had.

Taxes and the Declaration of Independence: A lot of lip service is given, especially in election years like this one, to the famous "no taxation without representation" mantra popular just before we broke away from England.

So I thought it appropriate today to look at just what the Declaration of Independence says about taxes.

Not being one to reinvent the wheel, especially on a long holiday weekend, I direct you to a guest post from a few years ago on TaxProf Blog by Neil H. Buchanan, now an associate professor at George Washington University Law School, on What the Declaration of Independence Says About Taxes.

UPDATE: TaxProf re-ran this post today, along with an addendum from Chris Bergin, president and publisher of Tax Analysts, on what July 4th means to him.

Now enough with the education. Where's my barbecued brisket and potato salad!?

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