Southerners pay fewest taxes
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Get vacation help from the taxman

The summer vacation season traditionally begins today with the arrival of the three-day Memorial Day holiday.

Woman_luggage While times are still tough for many foks, here's hoping you can take a little time off this year.

One unexpected place to look for vacation help is the IRS. Tax laws can help you combine business and pleasure travel.

Using Uncle Sam as a quasi travel agent isn't always the easiest way to plan for a quick vacation. You do, after all, have to follow the tax rules.

But when a few days off can be paired with legitimate work-related travel, you can take a bit of a break and save a few dollars by claiming all the allowable tax deductions for the business part of your trip.

Details are in my Bankrate story Tax help for business, pleasure trips. I hope it helps you work in a much needed, and less costly, break from the grind.

Thanks to Twitter tax pals @BarbaraWeltman and @iminay for their help.

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Austin Travel

That's some great info. And yes, I hate taxes.

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