Tax Twitter Tuesday 03.23.2010
Most tax procrastinating cities

Ohio tax tidbit: tobacco taxes

Ohio flag Sin taxes on such things as alcohol and tobacco are a popular way for states to collect much needed revenue. To make sure it gets every penny it's owed on tobacco products, Ohio has set up a hotline.

By calling toll-free 877-SMOKE-80 (877-766-5380) callers can report retailers suspected of selling untaxed tobacco products. Packs of cigarettes that are sold legitimately bear a state tax stamp.

Penalties for selling untaxed tobacco products could be misdemeanor or felony charges, depending on the quantities of illegally sold products. Sellers convicted of illegal sales also will owe taxes and penalties on the products that don't bear tax stamps.

The untaxed tobacco hotline, launched in February, is part of the Ohio Department of Taxation's increased enforcement of untaxed tobacco products.

Department investigations led to the seizures of 180,795 untaxed tobacco products during fiscal year 2009, more than seven times the quantity seized the previous year.

Tax trip around the United States: This post is part of our series highlighting tax information from the 50 U.S. states and Washington, D.C. You can read other state tax blurbs at our Complete menu of tasty state tax tidbits.

The State Tax Departments page provides links to official state and District of Columbia revenue Web sites so that you can find out more about your home's tax laws and filing requirements.

As we work through the 2010 tax season, a different state will be featured each day as noted in Don't forget your state taxes! Check back to see what tax tidbit we share about your home.

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