Halloween candy's tax lessons
Yes, Virginia, there is an election today

An extra hour for tax topics

I hope all y'all got a good night's sleep after Halloween festivities. It sure helped to have the extra hour we got from "falling back" into Standard Time overnight, didn't it?

So what are you going to do with that precious bit of extra time? If you've got nothing special planned, here are a few tax-related ways to spend it.

You can find out the tax buzz via The Wandering Tax Pro's latest compilation of tasty tax tidbits. They're almost as appetizing as the kid's candy that you've been sneaking as snacks!

If you Twitter, please feel free to peruse the succinct tax thoughts of the folks I added to my new list of tax Twitterers. If I missed you or someone else you think I should add, just @ or DM me, @taxtweet, and I'll get you and/or them on the list.

Or you can spend a few minutes checking out the November Tax Moves there in the left column of the ol' blog. Yes, I'm feeling a bit self-congratulatory that I got November items actually posted on 11/1. And yes, 2009 is slipping away, but there are still some tax tasks that could save you a few dollars.

Buddy Holly statue As for me, I'm going to put my added hour to good use catching up on missed ZZZZs. I had a great time the last four days visiting Lubbock and Texas Tech's College of Mass Communications, but my sleep suffered more than usual. So I plan (hope) to nap on the plane ride home; earplugs are a magical thing indeed.

I might post another blog item once I'm wheels down in Austin and safely back at my abode. But just in case I just don't get around to it, these suggestions should help you fill part of today's added 60 minutes.

Photo of Buddy Holly statue courtesy Civic Lubbock


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Hi there. Keep it up for a good job.You really have a lot of nice blog here. Lots of information. I have read and passed on this info to my friends as well.

Robert D Flach


As I "tweeted" - I would rather have the extra hour during the tax season!

I wish we would spring back and fall forward!

BTW - thanks for mentioning the BUZZ!


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