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Sotomayor on taxes redux

While I've been concentrating on ways to improve the IRS at my Taxpayer Advocacy Panel meetings this week, the real world has been continuing on its merry way outside our conference room.

Sonia Sotomayer One event of note is the Senate questioning of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor. I haven't been able to watch any of the hearing, but The Caucus has been live blogging the proceedings.

In connection with her nomination to the country's highest court, I also wanted to remind you of my June 29 post on the judge's dearth of tax rulings, Supreme Court reverses Sotomayor case.

Yeah, I know, writing about the lack of tax rulings is not the most exciting bit of information, but hey, it's my goal to keep y'all up to date on any possible tax connections to as many things as possible!

On this same topic, my fellow tax blogger taxgirl has come to the same conclusion in her post today, Sotomayor Supreme Court Hearing: Where's the Tax?

And who knows? Maybe before the Sotomayor confirmation hearing wraps up, we might get some tax-related queries. We can always hope!


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