The Greatnexus has arrived
Have some tax 'what ifs'? IRS has answers

Financial and tax tips for storm season

Lightning (2) Lightning is flashing and judging from the volume and how soon the subsequent thunder sounds, it's close. Too close.

So I'm about to shut down the PC. No need for it and/or me to get fried!

But since Central Texas has been in, variously over the last few hours, a thunderstorm watch, thunderstorm warning, tornado watch and now a flash flood warning, I wanted to take the opportunity to quickly offer a couple of disaster related tips.

Insurance issues: Check your homeowner's insurance policy. Make sure it's up to date; that is, your home is property covered. This post from last fall, Insurance tips for storm victims, has lots of good info and links.

Speaking of insurance, if you live in a flood-prone area, get a federal flood insurance policy. We had one in Florida, and back then when I watched water from the canal behind our house creep up our yard during hurricanes and tropical storms, I was very, very glad we made this extremely cost-effective policy purchase.

You can find more on federal flood insurance in my post Time to prepare for Mother Nature's less maternal side        .

Disaster kit time: Put together a financial disaster kit. Not just for your and your family's physical well-being, although that's a no-brainer, but also one to safeguard your finances. This post, Time to make disaster preparations, has some suggestions.

Claim your losses: If worse comes to worst and you do sustain damage from a natural disaster, remember that you might get some help from Uncle Sam.

If it's a major, presidentially-declared disaster, you can get help sooner to begin your recovery efforts. Even if it's, and pardon the phraseology, a run-of-the-mill disaster, you still might be able to claim any loss on your tax return and end up getting some money back from the IRS or at least owe less.

Details on disaster losses and the IRS can be found in Tax relief for disaster victims.

Yikes! Another nearby bolt! I'm outta here, or at least to the battery operated laptop.

Everyone take care! Disasters can hit in any location and at any time.


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